Black Friday is around the corner… Here’s what to do!

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We’re extremely excited for this year’s Q4. In the past few months e-commerce growth has accelerated to never seen before heights. It’s safe to assume that with these new developments, the biggest quarter of the year, might get even bigger.

So here’s how to prepare…

1. Gather Data Early

Data is the name of the game, especially in Q4. If you already have a winning product, this is the time to gather data.

During black friday - CPM’s and CPA’s will be sky high. It may not be unprofitable to run cold ads.

The trick is to gather data early and retarget. That way you’re running ads to an already warm audience, who already know and trust you.

So if you’ve got a winning product, that shows no signs of slowing down, ramp up the ad spend and get as much data as you can.

You should really focus on getting more data the week right before BF/CM. Then retarget anyone who’s seen or engaged with the video.

That way as your competitors are trying to reach a new audience, you’re tapping into your existing audience’s pool.

2. Plan & Apply The Right Discounts

For Black Friday and Cyber Monday, most people are looking for at least 20 percent off the items they buy.

So make sure your site is discounted.

You can even get creative and build Buy One, Get One Free offers and add one click upsells.

If your offer is better than your competitors - it’s easier for you to win.

Now is the time you can start testing - different landing pages, countdown timers, prices, offers, so when the big day rolls around, you’re ready.

We even helped one brand go from $200 per day to over $4.5k per day just by tweaking their offer. Learn how we did it here.

3. Get New Creatives Early

Now that you’ve gathered data, optimized your landing page, it’s time to prepare your ads for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

The worst that can happen during these days is for you to be prepared, just to face ads that don’t really convert.

If your offer is good, you have enough data - the only bottleneck can be the creatives.

Don’t let bad creatives ruin the best days for ecom stores.

Instead prepare and stack up on creatives, so you can test and scale without any issues.

Scroll below and pick your favorite creatives now.

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