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3 Easy Tips To Boost Profit 20-30%

If your store is doing at least 30k/mo in sales, keep on reading as by the end of this article, you will learn how to boost a store’s profit 20-30% and more importantly use this to scale past 50,70,100k per month!

1. Use Upsell Apps

When you install apps like HoneyComb upsell and add complimentary products, each extra sale is quite literally free money.

At first you can test selling the same product as a one click upsell at a lower price. That way if someone buys two, you simply make more profit.

Later as you scale, test the upsells with different complementary products to boost profit even more.

2. Bundles

Test putting more products together and creating a higher-priced bundle.

This way you can try selling a product that would usually cost $30 alone in a bundle that costs $97.

Typically you can create different bundle variations at 3 different prices. One that’s at a low price (for example, $29) then another one priced slightly higher ($49) and another one pierced extremely high ($199).

This way you give your buyers an option to buy higher priced products while keeping an option open for buying less expensive ones.

If you want to take this to the next level, you can put these bundles in one landing page you send traffic to.

3. Email Marketing

If you aren’t doing proper email marketing you’re probably losing $7k - $25k per month.

Learn how you can boost your ROAS and recover this revenue by tapping the button below!

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