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$0 - $100K Drop Shipping Workshop
Q1 2024
Our 2nd PUBLIC drop shipping workshop was a HUGE success! Over 250 registrants, making it our biggest event yet. Hosted at the University Of Miami in Florida.
0 - $100K Q4 Drop Shipping Workshop
Q4 2023
Our FIRST EVER public event!! Over 160 people attended & some amazing connections & value was given out at this event. It was an amazing time, thank you all for coming!
Inner Circle Summer
Q3 2023
Our 2nd invite only 7 figure+ private e-commerce mastermind was a MAJOR success! We had a record breaking amount of high level people attend & everybody had an incredible time!
Inner Circle WINTER
Q1 2023
Our 1st ever invite only 7 figure+ private e-commerce mastermind. Focused on quality of people & having a great time it set an amazing standard for the quality, integrity & value of our events moving forward.