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How to Find Winning Products on Autopilot

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So you have finally fulfilled your dream of launching your dropshipping store. Those months of planning and research never went to waste – your efforts have finally paid off!


Now what? Where do you go from here now that your store has gone live? 

The most likely step you will take now is figuring out the best, most profitable products to sell in your store. Though we are willing to bet you’ve some products already. Or maybe you don’t yet - perhaps you are still at the planning stage. 

Whatever the case may be, finding and selling the right product is key to succeeding as a dropshipper. 

Smart Dropshippers Sell the Right Product

Do you know why you have to put effort into finding the best product? 

When you sell products people like, want, and have little to modest competition, you will make a lot of sales. However, if you go the opposite route - selling highly competitive products that people don’t care much about - you will lose out big time. 

Mathematically speaking:

High demand + less competition = More sales

Low demand + Fierce competition = Poor sales

High demand + Fierce competition = Average sales

It’s that simple!

This then begs the question: how do you find the right product for your store? Digging deep into the internet and burning countless hours doing research might seem like the best solution - but it’s not practical. Heck, there is only so much you can do in 24 hours. 

What to do? Automate, automate, automate! Automating your product research is the smartest thing you can do as a dropshipper looking to get ahead in business. 

Now, this is where Sell the Trend comes into play. If you’ve been in the dropshipping industry for a while now, there is a good chance you’ve heard about Sell the Trend. 

But if you haven’t yet, that’s fine, because you are about to.

Sell the Trend: The #1 Product Research Tool for Dropshippers 

Automating your product research just got a whole lot easier, thanks to Sell the Trend. 

Sell the Trend is an innovative dropshipping solution made for dropshippers by a dropshipper. It comes with a ton of tools and features designed to help you grow dropshipping business and is ideal for both beginner and veteran dropshippers. 

These tools include Facebook audience builder, one-click product import, seamless order fulfillment, and product research. 

But for today’s post, we will spotlight the product research feature. 

Introducing The NEXUS - The Internet’s Most Innovative Product Research Tool

Would it be nice if you had a way of finding trending, hot-selling products on Shopify, Aliexpress and Amazon with a few clicks of the button? Of course, it would, and that is what Sell the Trend’s NEXUS tool is all about. 

What can you do with this product research tool? A lot!

Here are some:

- Find hot-selling/trending products

- Find products in specific categories/niches - there are 80+ niches you can choose from

- Select “shipping from” country

- Apply advanced filters to your search result

- Find hot dropshipping stores

- Search for trending products on Amazon, Aliexpress, Shopify, and CJDropshipping

Phew! It’s a long list, isn’t it? Let’s break things down a bit. 

Find hot-selling/trending products

You want to make a lot of sales for your store, don’t you? And you want to do so quickly? Because the more sales you make, the fatter your bank account will be. More $$$ 🤑💰

But is it even possible to make that much sales, especially since dropshipping is fiercely competitive? Every dick, tom and harry seem to be into dropshipping. 

Tell you what, it is! And one surefire to a lot of riches is listing hot-selling/trending products with little to modest competition in your store. 

Selling products consumers are looking for and want to buy guarantees unlimited sales -and a lot of money, too. 

Nonetheless, finding hot-selling/trending products isn’t a walk in the park. If it were, you probably wouldn’t be reading this post. 

But hey, don’t worry; The NEXUS has got your back. 

This innovative AI-powered product research tool makes finding products consumers looking for easy. 

With The NEXUS, you can find hot-selling products across Shopify, Aliexpress, Amazon and even CJDropshipping with a few clicks of the button. No need to dig through Google for hours on end searching for products. 

How does The NEXUS determine if a product is trending? 

It does so by checking how often the product has been sold on Aliexpress, total order value, the average rating the product gets, the product's competitiveness, and 26 other data points.  

You can easily access this data by selecting a product that catches your attention. 

Cool, huh?

The NEXUS allows you to see the product’s order trend, see customer ratings, see top customer countries, check how a product’s price has changed over time, gauge buyer reviews, etc. 

Things are getting pretty interesting, isn’t it? 

What if you were interested in finding trending products and not hot-selling products? That’s no problem. The NEXUS also has a Trending tab panel where you can find such products. 

There is also a section for On the Rise, New, and All products. 

Find Products in Specific Niches

Finding hot-selling products isn’t always enough. Sometimes, you will want to find products in a specific niche. Is this something you can do with the Sell The Trend dropshipping platform


Currently, there are over 80 product categories listed on Sell the Trend. They include Hobbies and toys, health and beauty, automobiles and motorcycle, consumer electronics, and many more. 

Select “Shipping from” Country

Most of the products sold on Aliexpress are from Chinese suppliers. We bet you know that already, don’t you? 

What if you wanted to buy products from suppliers in, say, the US or Spain? 

That’s absolutely not a problem at all! Sell the Trend allows you to do just that. 

And guess what? You can select multiple countries at a time. 

Apply Advanced Filter to Your Search Results

Filtering products based on categories and country of origin might not always be enough. Hence, Sell the Trend enables you to apply advanced filters to your search results. 

This means you can filter products based on product type, date added, shipping method available, free shipping, and many more. 

Find hot stores 

Another cool feature of Sell the Trend’s The NEXUS is how easy it makes finding hot selling stores. 

These are stores that have recently added popular products to their listing. Tracking these stores will help you find hot-selling products you can add to your own store. 

The cool part is that you can filter these stores based on type(dropshipping and regular stores), Facebook pixels, and Google Adwords. 

Search for Products on Amazon or Shopify

Another thing you will like about Sell the Trend is how it makes searching for hot products on Amazon or Shopify easy, with just a click of the button, thanks to the Amazon explorer feature.

In addition, when you find an interesting product, you can easily navigate to the store selling the product with a click of a button. 

Shopify Products and Shopify Stores explorer work in the same way as Amazon product explorer.

One-click product import and order fulfillment 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find products on Aliexpress or Amazon and push them to your Shopify dropshipping store in one click? It definitely will! 

Well, the good news is that you can do that with Sell the Trend. With just a single click, you can import a product from Aliexpress and push it to your Shopify or Woocommerce store in seconds. 

That’s not all; you can also fulfill orders with a click of a button. How cool is that?

Automate your dropshipping workflow with video ads

Video ads, when done correctly, can help streamline your dropshipping workflow and boost efficiency. If nothing else, video ads can help increase your web traffic and boost your site’s conversion rate. 

Studies have shown that video ads can boost your conversion rate by as much as 80%, and videos that engage with your videos are 1.8X more likely to buy from you than those that don’t. 

And what better video tool to use than Viral Ecom Adz? With affordable pricing and packages starting for as low as $40, Viral Ecom Adz makes creating engaging videos for your dropshipping store a breeze.

Wrapping it Up

Finding hot-selling, trending dropshipping products and importing them to your store without hassles will help you succeed as a dropshipper.

While we can’t deny that many tools and solutions can help you with product research, you should definitely give Sell the Trend a try based solely on how easy it makes the entire dropshipping process.

Are you ready to take Sell the Trend for a spin and see how it can help streamline your product research process? Sign up for an account right away. 


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